Repairing Your Credit
Bad credit rating can be gut-wrenching and humiliating … we have options!
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” …and sometimes things get out of control. A bad credit rating can be gut-wrenching and humiliating as well as just plain bad news. We see all kinds of credit ratings every day and we have the strategies to help improve and even heal, damaged credit. You may be surprised to know that you can still obtain a mortgage. Whether you’ve had a bankruptcy or your credit is only slightly bruised, you can obtain financing.
As mortgage professionals, we have access to non-traditional lenders who offer financing solutions to individuals who have some credit challenges that cannot be addressed by the major financial institutions. Together we can quickly assess your situation and decide on the best way to move forward. The worst you can do is do nothing.

*Subject to approved credit, income verification and meeting lending credit granting criteria. Applies to residential mortgages only and some conditions may apply. O.A.C., E.O.E All content is subject to change without notice.
Why don’t we have a chart or the lowest posted rates like every other mortgage company?
The lending environment has changed greatly in the past few years, and rates today depend on many more variables: How much of a down payment you have, whether your mortgage will be insured, what your credit score is, and how severe a payout penalty you’re willing to risk. These are just a few of the variables that make up your final rate.
So rather than us posting the absolute lowest rate possible on the assumption that every variable works out in your favour, let’s talk so we can determine what your particular situation is and what your rate might look like. We’d much rather do that then publish a rate you’d be disappointed if it wasn’t available to you. It takes a conversation with an industry professional to explain the pros and cons of any rate being offered.
Call or email us today so we can discuss your personal situation.